Monday, March 2, 2009


I attend an interesting university.

University policy - MWF you are allowed 9 absences before being dropped from the class - sounds fair.
My 400 level, senior class - you are allowed 9 absences before being dropped from this class.
My 100 level, freshman theater class - you are allowed 5 absences before being dropped a letter grade.

Please someone explain to me how it is that I can miss 9 classes of a high level seemingly important class, but I can only miss 5 of a silly theater class that contributes NOTHING to my field of study.

Here is my dilemma - I have missed this theater class three times thus far in the semester. All for things that I could not avoid. I have legitimate proof that I was somewhere that required me to miss this class. I have two more school project that will be approved by the university that are going to require me to miss this class. And my wedding. So because I am participating in school activities, went to the doctor, and was required to attend a meeting I am going to get a B at best in this silly class. I understand that I could have moved my wedding around and not had to miss class, but that is only once absence. There should be no reason why this particular teacher makes up his own attendance policy. If you are an upper level class that is important for one's career field.... make up all the attendance policies you want. However, if you are a freshman level required class don't be ridiculous. Accept university forms as a reason for me not to be in your class and don't drop my grade. Get over yourself and stop pretending that any of us care about your class.

That is my soap box for today. *still a great post to come*

1 comment:

Alyrose said...

hey camz,
that is silly, it's b/c he is a freshman prof and he needs to feel like he is important. i'm sorry about your puppies, but i'm sure the time will fly by!