Wednesday, February 25, 2009


How is it that time goes by so quickly? I mean realistically there are the same number of hours in every day and essentially they should all pass with the same speed... clearly not the case when you are trying to cherish your time before moving across the ocean.

I can not believe that February is two days shy of being over. When we look at the weekends I think we have one weekend that is free, from now until May 11th. I know that before I know it I'll be walking across the stage to receive my diploma and boarding a plane two days later.. What I do not know is whether my dogs will be boarding a plane with me. We are realizing that taking them with us right now is going to be outrageously expensive. We have been saving like crazy specifically to take them, but we do have to realize that once we are there we're not talking dollars anymore. And with the exchange rate the way it is it could get insane.

The UK began a program several years ago that now allows dogs to do the six months quarantine prior to entering. Sounds fantastic right? Well it is for those who have six months. We didn't have six months from the day he got orders to the day we leave.. Therefore they will be about two months shy of meeting the required six months. They can go with us and stay in a quarantine facility to finish the time left. Again sounds fantastic right? Not so when you look at the expenses. We have checked with the airlines and know about the cost of their tickets, which is insane but something we ARE willing to pay. It's all the other things we aren't sure about. We will have to pay 30-45 dollars every day that they are there. *that's about 2,000 dollars* We will have to pay for them to pick them up from the air port. We will have to pay for all kinds of shots and treatments while they are there *that they wouldn't otherwise require* I basically refuse to add up how much all of that would cost because I know how silly I would feel. They CAN stay in the states and complete their quarantine requirements and them come over. I'm just a big ol' whimp and can't imagine leaving them. It is basically something that we don't talk about because I end up in tears, but at some point we are going to have to. We will decide what we are and aren't willing to spend. We will also have to figure out who would be willing to take care of them for two months.

Who knew the hardest part about PCSing would be my dogs.

Monday, February 23, 2009


I wish I could call England for the same price as calling Maine... *they both seem forever away.. why can't phone companies feel the same way.. I mean is an ocean really that big of a deal!?*

I want to find out exactly HOW to take our dogs.


I have been puzzled by the number of homeless individuals lately. Maybe I am just more aware of them, but I feel like there are more and more corners where homeless people are standing. Today I was leaving Wal-mart and a man was standing there with a sign that said "....times are hard." I couldn't help but think about all the "successful" men and women across America that are saying the exact same thing. We can't deny that our economy is crap right now. And the extra $65 dollars a month the average America is suppose to get come April (according Mr. President on the news today) isn't going to go far for most. Despite all of this I want to be thankful.

*this list is in no specific order.. and is certainly not the order in which I value each of these*

I have a roof over my head.

I have a bed to sleep in every night *a comfy one in fact.*

I have food in my kitchen.

I have a husband who loves me.

I have a family who loves me.

I have a shower to use whenever I want.

I have a dry towel to dry off with when I get out of the shower.

I have a high school education and will complete my first college degree come May.

I have friends who are amazing.

I have a Bible that I'm free to read and carry with me where I please.

I have health insurance.

I am able to get the medicines I need.

I have dogs that are fabulous, and food to feed them too.

I have a car to take me where I need *and want* to go.

I have a phone to use at my disposal.

I have a computer of my own.

I have a home I can always go to.

I have in-laws that are great.

I have a camera to capture special moments in life.

I have a washer and dryer six steps away.

I have a bathroom three steps away.

I have clothes to wear.

I have freedom.

I have the opportunity to move to England with the man of my dreams.

I could literally go on for hours writing down all of the things that I have in my life that I ought to be thankful for. There are homeless men and women around the world who would give a lot to have just a few of the things I am blessed with. There are men and women serving in our military who would give a lot to have a bathroom a few steps away, to have a phone to use as they please, to have the things I take for granted every day. So while these "times are hard" I am going to stay focused on the things I do have rather than the things I don't. To be thankful and content with the blessings in my life. And to thank God for what He has given me.

Friday, February 20, 2009

my newest title.

A Military wife can be tough to describe.

She is a southern belle, a northeastern Mets fan, a California 3rd generation re-cycler, a Pacific Islander.

She is short or tall - a tomboy - a fashion diva - a physician's assistant - a Republican - a Democrat - a career gal - a home-schooler - a scrap-booker - an accomplished cellist - an auto mechanic

What IS a Military Wife?

They may look different and each is wonderfully unique
But this they have in common.

lots of moving--moving far from home
moving two cars, three kids and one dog----all riding with HER of course
moving sofas to basements because they won't go in THIS house
moving curtains that won't fit
moving jobs and certifications and professional development hours
moving away from friends moving toward new friends
moving her most important luggage; her trunk full of memories

often waiting-
waiting, waiting...
waiting for housing; waiting for orders; waiting for deployment; waiting for reunion; waiting for phone calls; waiting for the new curtains to arrive; waiting for him to come home for dinner----AGAIN!

They call her 'military dependent', but she knows better

she can balance a checkbook - handle the yard work - fix a noisy toilet - she is intimately familiar with drywall, anchors, and toggle bolts.

she can file the taxes, sell a house, buy a car, or set up a move
--all with ONE Power of Attorney.

She welcomes neighbors that don't welcome her.

Reinvents her career with every PCS; locates a house in the desert, the arctic, an ancient European village, or the deep south and learns to call them all 'home'.

She MAKES them all home.

She is fiercely IN-dependent
Military Wives are somewhat hasty
They leap into decorating, leadership, volunteering, career alternatives, churches and friendships.

They don't have 15 years to get to know people.

Their roots are short but flexible.

They plant annuals for themselves and perennials for those who come after them.

Military Wives quickly learn to value each other.

They connect over coffee, rely on the spouse-network and accept offers of friendship and favors and record addresses in pencil.

Military Wives have a common bond.

The Military Wife has a husband unlike other husbands
his commitment is unique He doesn't have a job, he has a 'mission' he can't just decide to quit he's on-call for his country 24/7 but for you, he's the most Unreliable guy in town!
His language is foreign

And so, a Military Wife is a translator for her family and his.

She is the long-distance link to keep them informed the glue that holds them together.

Military Wife has her moments----
She wants to wring his neck, dye his uniform pink, and refuse to move to Siberia.

But she pulls herself together.

Give her a few days, a travel brochure, a long hot bath, a pledge to the flag, and a wedding picture.

And she goes.

She packs.

She moves.

She follows.

What for?
How come?
You may think it is because she has lost her mind.

But actually it is because she has lost her heart.

It was stolen from her by a man
who puts duty first
who longs to deploy
who salutes the flag
and whose boots in the doorway remind her that as long as he is her
Military husband, she will remain his Military wife.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Jery and I were out and about this evening so we decided to eat out for dinner instead of coming home late and cooking! He was in uniform because he got off work late and we met in town. While we sat there enjoying our dinner an older man walked up to our table. He looked down at us and reached his hand out. Jery stood and shook his hand as the kind old man thanked him for serving our country. I looked up as he finished speaking to Jery only to find the man's hand reaching to shake my hand. He thanked me for serving our country too. I am certain that my face gave away my confusion because he continued in telling me how important it is that I support Jery.

I wanted to cry. This is not the first time we've had someone come up and want to shake Jery's hand. It was however the first time I've been included in the gesture. Just a little reminder that there are people out there who understand the importance of Jery's job as well as the importance of my job as his wife. We were blessed beyond words tonight. A few simple words from a caring old man changed the entire mood of our evening. Thank you Lord for letting that man cross our paths.

These simple gestures mean the world to these guys. It assures them that while everyone might not support the war, they support the troops. It gives them the extra energy to make it through a long night. I am now apart of this "world," but will still shake the hand of a uniformed service member when I see them. They DESERVE it!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I don't understand how a doctors office can be on the phone all day long for two days in a row. annoying.

I'm in the midst of getting all my paperwork together so I can get medical and dental clearance.. I have ONE doctor that I need to get ahold of and I've tried all day long and had NO success..

Can I just say there's nothing wrong with my heart..?! I mean at this point it would be much easier..

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

a woman's role.

I am currently writing an opinion paper regarding a woman's role in ministry. There are two main contrasting views on this topic, and both use strong biblical references to "prove" their point.

We were asked to read a book titled "Two Views on Women in Ministry," and use it as our major source for our paper. After reading the different views I have come to my personal conclusion. However, I was very surprised to realize that the question is not whether or not women should be in ministry. The question is - should women LEAD men. Over the last thirty years it has become clear that women in ministry is necessary, but there is still no consensus on whether women should hold leadership positions over men.

So - I'm curious. What is your opinion? Obviously you may or may not have specific scripture to defend yourself *I didn't before reading this book*, but I wanna know what others think.

Monday, February 16, 2009


I'm not certain why we have to have Mondays. I guess they are inevitable, but obnoxious non the less. Maybe it's God's way of testing my peace and joy...!?!

We had a great weekend in San Antonio! Invitations are in the making.. we went a little crazy at Moon Mippy *an AMAZING invitation store in San Antonio if anyone needs one!*.. but my mom and I had fun! *the boys lasted for a little while and then went to entertain themselves at Borders bookstore* We picked out the tuxes for the groomsmen and usher! They too will be wearing PINK! We registered at Target which was completely entertaining! And we also meet with a cake decorator but no decisions were made! It doesn't seem like much in writing.. but we were BUSY on Saturday!!

Sunday we got up unnecessarily early to drive back to Abilene for the NASCAR race.. the "Superbowl of NASCAR races" as Jery put it. The Daytona 500 was on Sunday... the races at Daytona are always eventful.. but the weather didn't cooperate and the race ended about half way through.. Jr did a great job of wrecking out Kyle Bush though so we were happy!

And today is a typical Monday.. playing catch-up because I was unproductive in my studies this weekend.. three papers to write.. a 100 or so pages to read.. and Jery has the day OFF! I am making the best of it and remaining joyful in my studies!

Well I'm off to paper writing.. and dinner cooking!

Friday, February 13, 2009


it's FRIDAY!!!

we are headed to San Antonio for the weekend to do wedding stuff!! Registering, invitations, tuxes, gifts... i'm sure there will be plenty more! I'm pretty excited.. Jery doesn't understand why he has to be present for decisions to be made! hahaha.. yes I might be slightly evil.. but he'll tag along with my mom and I and be a great sport!

and Sunday we're having another NASCAR party.. apparently this might become a tradition for our last season in the states!..I'm pretty excited about that too!!

while I'm excited for my weekend to begin there are many families who won't share in my excitement. please take a few minutes to say a prayer for all the men and women deploying this weekend, and for their families who will be left behind. we understand deployments are a part of this life, but that doesn't make them easy.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

online test.

oh how I detest you.

life without sylvan.

This is my first official week being "unemployed".

We went to dinner one night, an ACU play one night, and just hung out at home the other night.. but best of all we have eaten dinner whenever we want!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *for the last two years dinner has had to wait until I got off work..*

There are some things I miss.. but overall life without sylvan is wonderful!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I am so blessed and need to realize that more often.

Life doesn't always go the way we plan it, but God is in control.

In the end, the truth prevails.

Monday, February 9, 2009

undeployable/not deploying.

Jery and I were having a conversation last night on the difference between undeployable and not deploying. Clearly I was confused in believing that he would be undeployable in England. Being undeployable relates to a person, there has to be a given reason why that individual is not able to be deployed (for example: a medical reason). His new squadron simply isn't this time. How fancy does that sound.

So I wanted everyone to be educated about the difference between one being undeployable and a squadron not deploying. And lets all say a prayer that they don't decide to start deploying. Funny how that sounds like such an easy decision that would throw my world for a loop! But I also firmly believe that God is in control of our lives and we will be just fine!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

splended weekend.

Sunday afternoons are my favorite part of the week. No matter what happens during the week or weekend.. Sunday afternoons are always just us.

This weekend has been one of the best we've had lately.. other than our "wedding" weekend last weekend! Friday night we hung out with Jery's friends and then called it an early night..

Saturday I went to work.. my LAST day at sylvan.. *a post to come later about that..* after work I went to lunch with my friend Michelle.. Famous Daves. yum. and then we prepared for the first NASCAR race of the year.. Jery is slightly obsessed and NASCAR as become a serious activity around our house.. So to begin the season we had a bunch of people over to watch the race.. which Jr conveniently went from first to last.. and then to being wrecked out. Once the race was over we introduced several of our guests to the Wii.. a gaming system EVERYONE should play and/or own. *this coming from a girl who couldn't play ANYTHING above Super Nintendo until the Wii* We had a great time and were grateful to spend our last Bud Shootout in Texas with friends!

Today we have been lazy around the house.. Jery's work on his ribbon rack *attempting to get his blues in order for the wedding*.. and I've worked on homework.. we ran a few errands and have completely enjoyed being in Abilene and hanging out with friends.

Tonight we are going to the Rawlings house for pizza and a movie.. oh how I will miss our friends in Abilene when we move.. but for now we're off to enjoy our friends.

Friday, February 6, 2009


I am not sure why this has been such a long week, but it's ALMOST over!

and we're having a dane play date at the park!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

joy and peace.

I posted a blog a while back about how I wanted to focus on peace and joy this semester. So far I think I've failed in my efforts to stay at peace with everything while having the joy of the Lord. I am refocusing on what is important, and staying joyfully at peace with life!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

oh blog.

I am thankful for you. You make keeping people updated simple.


It's humpday!! Always a wonderful day of the week.

Things are going great.. officially began the process of PCSing on Monday.. boy do we have plenty of paperwork to keep us busy.. *and I'm afraid this is only the beginning.. Jery will have more to do when we get closer!!* It's making it all seem real and exciting though!!

As for the dogs we have decided we can take them... we just don't know how much it will cost and they will most likely not be able to go on the plane we go on.. But since they have to go into quarantine in England for about a month *depending on what day we leave* it should work out just fine!

Ok - I have to take a shower and get ready for the day.. I'm SO ready for the weekend!!!!

Monday, February 2, 2009


They are asking me to work another week.

My phone hates me.


This was going to be a happy and exciting post.. but somewhere between leaving base and writing this post I have become annoyed. My apartment complex is stupid and ridiculous.. I would take the things they say to me and responses they give me seriously if they could keep any one person employed for longer than a month. I am so ready to have a house of my own and not live in this annoying place any longer. *A side note to anyone in Abilene - do NOT choose to live in the Grove* and oh.. for some reason turning in my two weeks makes going to work even more difficult.. I feel so pointless on most nights and am currently annoyed that I have to go to work tonight.

I am attempting to put aside my annoyances and carry on with my day! I "officially" became a military wife today!.. I am boggled by the amount of paperwork that has to be completed and the 18 different offices that we had to go into.. but am very thankful to have gotten almost everything done in one afternoon!

However - there was one part of my day that I was seconds from sobbing. We went into the travel office to fill out some paperwork.. *sounds simple right*.. well one lady helps us and is informing us on details about our flight and about taking the dogs.. we walk to the other side of the room and another lady decides to casually announce that we won't be able to take Samson.. *most of you know this but i'm gonna add another side note here - Samson has quickly become my favorite and our "good" dog.. he's the sweetest thing in the world and parting with him brings tears to my eyes as I write this* Basically she gives us a whole bunch of confusing information that makes no since nor does it add up with the information we have gotten from the base vet in England. She is attempting to tell us that England is very strict about pets coming in *which hello - we've known that.. we have done all kinds of paper work and shots for them already* and that because of that American Airlines *which apparently is what we will be flying* won't fly them. And on top of that.. they have a 150 weight limit that they *so she says* WILL NOT budge on. The problem here is that this does not add up with anything anyone else has told us. I would think that somewhere between emailing the vet in England, having several phone calls with the vet on Dyess, and a visit with the vet on Dyess.. SOMEONE would have said something to us about taking Samson *clearly A GREAT DANE*. Our other concern is that he might come under the 150 weight limit when we leave.. but there is a HUGE possibility that he will be much heavier than that when we come home..

Ok I am rambling on and on in circles.. I'm going to walk my great dane and pray that we can find a way to take him with us.