How is it that time goes by so quickly? I mean realistically there are the same number of hours in every day and essentially they should all pass with the same speed... clearly not the case when you are trying to cherish your time before moving across the ocean.
I can not believe that February is two days shy of being over. When we look at the weekends I think we have one weekend that is free, from now until May 11th. I know that before I know it I'll be walking across the stage to receive my diploma and boarding a plane two days later.. What I do not know is whether my dogs will be boarding a plane with me. We are realizing that taking them with us right now is going to be outrageously expensive. We have been saving like crazy specifically to take them, but we do have to realize that once we are there we're not talking dollars anymore. And with the exchange rate the way it is it could get insane.
The UK began a program several years ago that now allows dogs to do the six months quarantine prior to entering. Sounds fantastic right? Well it is for those who have six months. We didn't have six months from the day he got orders to the day we leave.. Therefore they will be about two months shy of meeting the required six months. They can go with us and stay in a quarantine facility to finish the time left. Again sounds fantastic right? Not so when you look at the expenses. We have checked with the airlines and know about the cost of their tickets, which is insane but something we ARE willing to pay. It's all the other things we aren't sure about. We will have to pay 30-45 dollars every day that they are there. *that's about 2,000 dollars* We will have to pay for them to pick them up from the air port. We will have to pay for all kinds of shots and treatments while they are there *that they wouldn't otherwise require* I basically refuse to add up how much all of that would cost because I know how silly I would feel. They CAN stay in the states and complete their quarantine requirements and them come over. I'm just a big ol' whimp and can't imagine leaving them. It is basically something that we don't talk about because I end up in tears, but at some point we are going to have to. We will decide what we are and aren't willing to spend. We will also have to figure out who would be willing to take care of them for two months.
Who knew the hardest part about PCSing would be my dogs.
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