As a military wife I know a particular kind of home coming. The excitement in standing there amongst a bunch of other military families..waiting.. Waiting to see the ones we have been missing for so long. Waiting to touch them, hug them, hold them, kiss them.. The tears that flow in that moment when they say their plane has landed.. they are within feet from the building. The joy that is present when the first one walks through the door.. The type of home coming that is unimaginable, that seems to take forever to get here but is worth every second when they are in your arms again.
But as Christians we have another home coming celebration.
I sat in chapel a few weeks ago and listened to a great message. The speaker had a great point I'm sure, but that is not what I remember. At some point during the message the speaker used the words - home coming - in reference to a Christian being united with Christ. I was captivated by God's voice from this point on.
This world is not my home and one day I will leave this place and rest in my eternal home - Heaven.
If you know how incredible a military home coming celebration is, imagine what kind of celebration we will have in Heaven. When our Lord and Savior, our Creator, the King of Kings is doing the planning. I can not even fathom what that celebration will be like. I know it will be incredible. Look at the second picture of the father reaching for his daughter. Imagine that It is Jesus reaching out for you, His child. Beckoning you to run into his arms.. how amazing will that moment be.
Jesus says in John 18:36 "My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jews. But now my kingdom is from another place."
One day we will rest in His Kingdom, and we are promised that His Kingdom is not of this world. This world can be a dark and scary place, full of disaster and disease.. but as Christians we know our time here is short..
What an amazing God we have. We each get our very own Heaven home coming.
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