Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I have never been a huge fan of flowers. Bottom line: they die. They are so pretty and exciting when you first get them and then shortly after they die. Very sad.

I do however love roses. They are beautiful and can be dried. I still have every rose I have ever gotten at my moms house!

But I have found a new love in flowers. tulips.

They are absolutely beautiful. I am afraid they don't last long and sure they aren't a good flower for drying, but that is ok. ACU always plants new flowers for special events, and the latest one was Sing Song. They put these huge pots outside the campus center and planted red tulips. They really are such a pretty flower!

So aside from my new love of tulips.. I want a garden. Jery and I have been talking about all the things we are going to do when we move to England.. I want to go see every garden in the entire country! And I want to plant my own! I'm not sure how well this will work with Mr. Samson roaming around, but I'm going to attempt!!

Just my random thoughts for the day. Enjoy.

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