*****WARNING: There is ONE picture that is not for those with weak stomachs..*****
I finally got my camera charged and found a cord to get pictures on the computer!!!
This is our "Christmas picture".. Just to toot my own horn for a minute.. I LOVE how great our dogs are!!!

Here is my BEAUTIFUL ring! I am in love with it!!!

And here is the reason for my wonderful headaches, swollen eye, and three days worth of confusion!
And the result of fainting and wearing these above photoed glasses.. *WARNING*
Ok ok.. so really it's not that bad.. but it is gross looking!! This was taken yesterday which was the fourth day since it happened.. and after several attempts to wash it out. Please notice my eyebrow and imagine what it will look like when the stitches come out and the cut is healed.. haha... I must admit I look dead in this picture..
And my AMAZING Coach purse that was purchased within 45 minutes of leaving the ER!.. my fiance is WONDERFUL!! and my Coach is FABULOUS!!!
Alright friends.. I am being called back to duty.. this silly garage might be the death of me over my break.. did I mention that we still have Christmas shopping to do?! hahaha...
Enjoy great good, family, and friends this holiday seasons.. but never forget the reason we celebrate. Our Lord and Savior should be our focus and our hearts filled with joy for the blessings we have because of the sacrifice He made. I encourage you to be a light to someone today.
Lets also remember those who are not able to be with their families during this time of year. For their families who are celebrating without them. For those who have lost a loved one and will be celebrating without them for the first time this year. Support your troops. Pray for them, pray for their families, and NEVER forget that our freedom is not free.
1 comment:
how beautiful!!!! congratulations!!!! i love your christmas picture
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