Monday, December 22, 2008

my eye.

Today is the first day that I am leaving the band aid off my cut.. unless of course I go out in public. My eye is about half way swollen and getting more black and blue every day! I honestly had no idea that the cut was this big or this gross.. but it's gonna leave a interesting little scar. The bottom half of it goes into my eyebrow and I'm a little nervous to find out how that's gonna grow back! haha.. I could definitely have a funny looking eyebrow from here on out! My headaches are finally going away! I was fine most of yesterday, but last night I was out by 10.. It's difficult to move around with a throbbing pain, and awful to ride in a car! I'm hoping that today we're gonna go to Austin and do a little furniture shopping.. but the fiance is still sleeping!

Well I'm off to continue sanding down the garage.. we are redoing it for my brother's Christmas present! haha.. fun for us! Have a very Merry Christmas everyone!

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