Monday, December 29, 2008
San Antonio Christmas.
The garage is finished, my head is healing, and we're back in Abilene!!
Christmas Eve we went to Laura's house and enjoyed more seafood than you could imagine! Laura is an amazing cook and always stuffs us full! It was a great time and wonderful to have Jery home. I often take for granted having him home for days like that, but this year I was fully aware of how blessed I was to spend it with him.
We spent Christmas day at my mom's.. Eggs Benedict for breakfast *can NOT break tradition!!*, all kinds of food for dinner, and yummy desserts! Oh and you can't forget opening presents that morning!!
Friday I hung out with my bestie! I am super excited that she's back in San Antonio! We went to the outlets which was slightly disappointing, but fun nonetheless! The rest of the weekend was spent finishing the garage! and Sunday afternoon we drove back to Abilene!!! Harlii is thrilled to be home.. Samson is sad he doesn't have any more big dogs to play with!
School starts next week for me.. I'm taking an advanced Bible class as a January short course.. and work starts back too! I can not believe this is my last semester of undergrad. I vividly remember my family dropping me off freshman year!! It never ceases to amaze me how quickly time goes by! I am ecstatic about what the next four years has for us!
OH!! I forgot!! We have officially decided to have a "wedding"!!! Something VERY VERY VERY small.. but we are definitely planning a wedding now!! We are thinking sometime in February!
Sorry this blog is a little all over the place!! I will keep yall posted on the wedding plans!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
picture time.

Here is my BEAUTIFUL ring! I am in love with it!!!

Alright friends.. I am being called back to duty.. this silly garage might be the death of me over my break.. did I mention that we still have Christmas shopping to do?! hahaha...
Enjoy great good, family, and friends this holiday seasons.. but never forget the reason we celebrate. Our Lord and Savior should be our focus and our hearts filled with joy for the blessings we have because of the sacrifice He made. I encourage you to be a light to someone today.
Lets also remember those who are not able to be with their families during this time of year. For their families who are celebrating without them. For those who have lost a loved one and will be celebrating without them for the first time this year. Support your troops. Pray for them, pray for their families, and NEVER forget that our freedom is not free.
Monday, December 22, 2008
my eye.
Well I'm off to continue sanding down the garage.. we are redoing it for my brother's Christmas present! haha.. fun for us! Have a very Merry Christmas everyone!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
engaged!..and five stitches.
ok ok.. on to the stitches.. The whole reason we are in San Antonio this early is because Jery had an MRI this morning on Lackland. We got to my mom's about 1:30 in the morning and had to get up about 6 to get ready and head to Lackland *so keep in mind we're exhausted*.. blahblahblah.. They called him back and the technician told me that I was more than welcome to come in the room, but I could also wait in the waiting room if I would rather.. For those of you who know me.. I totally should have said wait in the waiting room.. but silly me thought I would be there for morale support and everything would be fine.. LONG story short.. they went to pull this HUGE needle out of his wrist and apparently I was watching.. but not for long! I woke up on the grown with men all around me.. my legs being held in the air.. and someone pushing down on my head.. HORRIBLE NIGHTMARE! I honestly thought I was being tied up and taken off to be murdered.. it was the scariest moment of my life. About the time I began to figure out where I was the technician was kindly explaining to me why Jery had to leave.. Whenever I fell my glasses broke and became a very sharp piece of plastic that cut my head open.. So the technician *I am very thankful that God gave him a kind gentle man as a technician because he was the only reason I didn't panic* explained to me again that they were going to check my neck and make sure I didn't hurt my spinal cord.. and then they would put me on a gurney and take me to the ER.. blahblahblah.. FIVE stitches later they were walking me out of the ER and toward Jery.. When I finally saw him and hugged him I was crying.. I can only imagine what he was thinking while he had to lay perfectly still on an uncomfortable table for 45 minutes while they did his MRI and his fiance is in the ER and he doesn't know if I am conscious or what *he left before I had fully come around and they were talking CT scans and all kinds of scary stuff..*.. He said the entire time he prayed that I would be blessed with kind nurses and strength.. and that we would be able to find each other quickly *I left my cell phone in the car.. and hello.. we're at WILFORD HALL.. not the smallest place in the world*.. He is WONDERFUL! I had very sweet nurses and we were both finished at the same time and found each other in perfect timing.
SO - I got a new purse from the Bx... I spent the day a little dazed and confused, but when my amazing fiance.. and I am completely blessed that everything is ok! It is amazing how close the cut is to my eye and how easily it could have cut my eye and not my eyebrow!
GOD is good.. GOD is in control.. and GOD pays attention to the SMALLEST details.. I am so in love with Him!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
christmas break.
My brother and little cousin drove up to spend the week with me! I was slightly stressed about it because I had this "to do" list that I wanted to accomplish during my break, but oh well. We have had way to much fun! Going off roading.. playing Wii.. cooking.. playing some more Wii.. going to walmart.. walking the dogs.. Ok so nothing outrageously exciting.. but I have completely enjoyed having family here! Knowing that we are leaving in May has changed my view on alot of things. I have always considered my family to be close, but it is totally different now. I don't care what we do or how lazy we are.. as long as we are spending time together I am happy!
Jery has tomorrow through christmas off and I am super pumped about it! He has been working crazy hours and I don't see much of him! I am excited to be going to San Antonio for a little while and just being able to spend some time with him! He has a doctors appointment in San Antonio that HOPEFULLY will deteremine whehter he will have to have surgery or not.. Please pray that the doctor is able to find what he is looking for and fix whatever the problem is!
Tonight is the Sylvan Christmas party.. of the three that I have been around for.. this is the first that I am going to attend! I am normally already in San Antonio, but this year I've stuck around long enough!
Wow.. life has been pretty uneventful.. but I am enjoying that! My brother is beconking me to the living room.. apparently he's bored..
Monday, December 15, 2008
I am very thankful for the people God puts in our lives. This weekend has been anything but easy. I won't go into detail, but things happened that I never imagined would. At the end of each day I have laid my head on my pillow and cried. Tears of sadness, tears of joy, tears of fear, and tears of certainty.
This is my life, and when I look back twenty years from now I want to do so with a smile on my face. I want to know that I took risks, that I followed my hearts, but most of all I want to know that I trusted in the Lord to guide my steps. His love is certain, His faithfulness surpasses all understanding, and His joy is contagious. I am thankful that this is my life. I am thankful to be where I am. I am also thankful to every one who has been apart of my life, to everyone who has guided me throughout my life. I am thankful for the man God has blessed me with. He has a love for me that I don't understand half the time. I pray that as I take this step in life I do so with those who support me, with the man I love, and with our Lord and Savior.
I know today is a good day. I know today is the day the Lord has made. And I will choose to rejoice in it.
Friday, December 12, 2008
amber again.
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? wrapping paper.. gift bags are too easy to open!
2. Real tree or Artificial? undecided. mom and brother are allergic so we always had artificial.. but I'm willing to give a real one a shot.. but this year we have artificial.. third floor apartment folks.
3. When do you put up the tree? whenever.. no special day.. yet.
4. When do you take the tree down? probably when I get home from Kentucky.. again so set tradition.. yet.
5. Do you like eggnog? sicksicksick!
6. Favorite gift received as a child? barbie power wheel..
7. Hardest person to buy for? apparently Faron. *jery's brother in law*
8. Easiest person to buy for? Jery
9. Do you have a nativity scene? my mom does.
10. Mail or email Christmas cards? mail.. i mean really?
11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? my mama put an outfit together for all the grandgirls.. she tried so hard and it was her last Christmas with us.. but they were terrible.. and we returned 95% of the outfit..
12. Favorite Christmas Movie? gosh thats too hard.. i love watching any Christmas movie
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? after thanksgiving..
14. Have you ever re-gifted a Christmas present? nope
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? pie
16. Lights on the tree? depends on the tree color.
17. Favorite Christmas song? Silent Night
18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? we'll travel to San Antonio this year..
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's? Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen and Rudolph!! (someone can.. we're all leaving their answer)
20. Angel on the tree top or a star? this year we have a star.. but i'd prefer an angel.
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? apparently we have the same tradition as Amber's fam. We open one Christmas Eve and it's usually pajamas.. and the rest Christmas morning
22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? traffic.
23. Favorite ornament theme or color? fun and colorful
24. Favorite for Christmas dinner? haha.. i'm a college student.. anything home-cooked is fantastic!
25. What do you want for Christmas this year? happiness.
God is good.
It has been such an exciting day and it's only noon! I finished my last final this morning! I found out there are speech path graduate programs ONLINE! and I found out the dogs can go with us and spend their remaining time in quarantine over there! GOD IS GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am headed to San Antonio tomorrow.. Jery and I are both anxious about it! lots and lots of prayers said about this trip! I know that God is with me and HE will give me the strength and the words to say!
Anyhow.. I'm off to lunch with a great friend!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
I am completely in love with a man who has chosen a career in the Air Force. Some would say that I chose this lifestyle, or that this is the lifestyle that I want. I'm not sure that I can completely agree with that. I feel in love with a man who is completely wonderful. Who cherishes the time we get to spend together, who cares so deeply about my feelings and my desires, who has such an inspiring love for the Lord, and who puts me before himself every day. HE CHOOSE a career in the Air Force over four years ago, and it is because of that career that we meet. Yes I fell in love with him and because of that I "choose" this lifestyle. I would prefer to believe that I accepted this lifestyle because of who I fell in love with. Nevertheless, I don't hate the lifestyle, but I don't believe I choose it. Now his career is sending him to England for three years, and he has asked me to go with him. In order to do that we will get married in the near future and begin our lives together in England. I couldn't be more happy to spend the first three years of our marriage in such an amazing part of the world, nor could I be more happy to marry the man I am in love with.
My family on the other hand kindly sees the negatives. They don't want the military life for me. They want me to finish school. They think I'm to young to get married. Over and over again they fill my mind with the negatives.
His family is completely opposite. They are ecstatic for us, they couldn't be more excited about the opportunity we have been given, and they beyond supportive of our marriage.
So as I sit here thinking about all the things I have to get done before we leave, I think about our wedding. Should we have one, where should it be, when should it be, who should be in it? I think about the people who would be attending. If we did it in San Antonio it would be mostly my family and friends. If we did it in Illinois it would be mostly his family and friends. If we did it in Abilene it would be a mix. So let me review this.. my family - completely negative. his family - completely supportive. Please tell me who I want seated in the rows of my wedding ceremony? Sure sounds like a no brainer to me.
I am very thankful for my cousin who daily reminds me that as long as I am happy that is what matters. She has been completely wonderful and 100% supportive throughout this whole thing, and I am blessed that she lives across the living room. I am thankful for my wonderful boyfriend who has let me cry on his shoulder *quite literally* every day since he came home with this amazing news. I am thankful for my brother who calmed me down the day of, and who sweetly gave me his approval. And I am thankful for my dogs.. who stay by my side at all times.
I miss my grandmother dearly. The last two days of tears have been grieving that she is not here during this time. I am not sure what her advice would be, but she would love me unconditionally. She would remind me to stay level, and promise that everything will work itself out.
Mama - I can't wait to see you again. Please watch over us and send me reminders of how precious our relationship was.
I'm off to bake a cake that my grandmother always made.. seems appropriate.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
my dogs.
On another note.. I told my mom today. She took it better than I expected.. I wasn't planning on telling her until this weekend when I am home.. but I won't be home until late Saturday and my mom doesn't like bad news at night.. and Sunday is her birthday. I thought it would be kinda crummy to tell her news like this on her birthday.. Anyway.. more discussing to do.. She basically said we will talk about it over the Christmas break.. but she wants me to do research about graduate schools in England.. so I better get on that.. but all in all God is good and our prayers have been answered.. Jery has had to remind me constantly that God is in control and he will provide for us..
Well one final is down and I have two left.. so I better get to studying..
Monday, December 8, 2008
thanks amber.
type only one word for each answer:
1. Where is your cell phone? desk
2. Your significant other? dyess
3. Your hair? mess
4. Your mother? home
5. Your father? austin
6. Your favorite thing? life
7. Your dream last night? none
8. Your favorite drink? water
9. Your dream/goal? family
10. The room you're in? apartment
11. Your fear? sunday
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? england
13. Where were you last night? home
14. What you're not? angry
15. Muffins/donuts? muffins
16. One of your wish list items? ring
17. Where you grew up? city
18. The last thing you did? test
19. What are you wearing? pjs
20. Your TV? wall
21. Your pet? sleeping
22. Your computer? small
23. Your life? adventure
24. Your mood? blank
25. Missing someone? always
26. Favorite pastime? read
27. Something you're not wearing? contacts
28. Favorite Store? express
29. Your summer? england!!
30. Your favorite color? pink
31. When is the last time you laughed? today
32. Last time you cried? thursday
33. Who will re-post this? anyone
34. Four places I go over and over? home, acu, work, walmart
35. Four people who e-mail me? jery, tami, mom, heather
36. Four of my favorite foods? pasta, chicken, cereal, pizza
37. Four places I would like to be right now? san antonio, florida, kentucky, illinois
finals week
Last night my speech path department had a senior shindig for all the seniors graduating this year.. it was alot of fun. I am so thankful to have been apart of this group of women, and blessed by their love for our Savior. I will definately be sad when graduation day comes and our lives all part ways.
Anyway - we have so much to talk about, and so many things that we have to decide on.. and many of them have to happen pretty quickly.. when do we get married... where do we get married.. which car do we take.. endless decisions about our dogs.. haha.. the list goes on and on.. but I am so excited for this time.. so excited for our first years of marriage to be in ENGLAND.. overseas... together.. in a place that will be our own! and of course with Tank, Mindy, and Ashley! *side note - Mindy and Ashley are flying back over there today.. please pray for both of them.. Ashley is only a year old and a flight like that can be tough for such a little one*
ok well I'm going to begin this day of studying and testing.. it should be exciting!!
Friday, December 5, 2008
a few prizes.
WELL - last night I was at work and Jery texted me to tell me he had a few prizes for me. Something we do all the time.. we see something at a store that we know the other would like.. we buy it and it's a prize.
I got off work 45 minutes late because one of our kids hadn't left yet.. mean while he had been texting me the entire time frantic about when I would be home.. blahblahblah.. I get home and he runs to the door to meet me and stops me before I get to the living room.. He looks frazzled and nervous but I am not sure why.. we are both just smiling and I am clearly confused. So I walk in and on the table is a dozen roses, a card, and a puzzle...

*Silly me I think he's being sweet and bought a puzzle for us to build together*
he asks me what I think of when I see the puzzle.. let me give you a better look -

I think we would all agree that it looks like England. *sidenote - our very best friends moved to England in May of this year and I have told him since before they left that for graduation I wanted tickets to England.* and he proceeds to ask me what is in England and of course I say TANK AND MINDY.. getting super excited.. and screaming "WE'RE GOING TO SEE TANK AND MINDY".. and he puts his arms around me and says "I got orders".. three little words I NEVER saw coming. I open the card - it's a singing card and it is singing "CELEBRATE".. by now I am completely in tears.. not sure if I am suppose to be sad, happy, excited, terrified.. and he is confused because he doesn't know what I am going to say.. eventually I communicate to him that of course I'm going.. then it hits me.. I have two dogs.. so I begin crying all over again that I won't leave my dogs.. he tells me that he wouldn't leave them either and that he has already started calling people to figure out the process *we are talking military.. they have a "process" for everything* of how we quarantine them so they will be able to go. I am officially bawling now and begging to talk to Mindy. He calls Mindy and hands me the phone. So of course I cry again and talk to her for a while.
oh and did I mention - he had cooked dinner for us.. haha.. like I could eat anything.. but anyway-
There are so many amazing reasons to be in love with the idea of moving to England. I have dreamed about this ever since Tank got his orders, but never did I imagine it coming true. We have missed them so much and I have hated not being able to see their daughter grow up! PROBLEM SOLVED! I have plane tickets to England shortly after graduation.. I will get to see Tank and Mindy whenever I want.. and I no longer have to miss their precious little girl..
SO - he has to report in by the end of May.. I'll finish my last semester of undergrad and graduate may 9th/10th.. don't really remember the date.. somewhere in the mess of it all we will go to Cancun, get married, visit his family, and manage to pack and sort it all out! hahaha..
I am so excited! I know there will be days that I am overwhelmed and terrified to leave.. but the adventure the lies ahead is going to be remarkable. This is truly an answer to prayers and we are so blessed to be embarking on such an incredible time together. We need all the prayers we can get, and are thankful for everyone in our lives!
who knew what a few prizes would be.