I have been working all day on a ridiculously long review sheet for a test.. I think that a nice blog break would help keep me sane! Like I said in my last blog I want to post pictures from things we've done in the last month *or two..*!
My brother, Jery and I went to the Lackland air show this year! Chris has a slight obsession with planes and I thought it would be something he would enjoy! *seeing that Jery got orders a few weeks after.. I'm glad we did it this year!*
The Blue Angels were there!! Jery and I had never seen them!

Chris and Jery.. i'm not sure which plane this was!

the three of us!

Jery watching.

My Aunt Juelna ran a MARATHON!!!!! it was so fun to see her family and be apart of her race!
Wolfie, Mary, and I playing at Andrew's house the night before the big race!

Julianna and I!

You've got to do the Alamo picture....

We wanted our own pic..


Miss Mary wanted some kisses!

Now that we have our very own Great Dane.. we get to participate in Great Dane play dates! This was Samson's first play date with Romona!!

Ok well I still have a bunch more pictures to upload.. but I must shower and get dinner ready!! More to come later!
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