Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Have you ever had a time in your life were you felt like God was sitting right next to you all the time? Not the feeling where you know God is watching all the time.. but the feeling like He is sitting next to you on a camp bench all alone out in nature just talking to you one on one..

That basically describes the last day and a half of my life! I am taking a January short course and working every night.. which we all thought would be insane and horrid.. however God is amazing. The class is Women in Christian Service and let me tell you.. it is AMAZING! Not only am I discovering great and wonderful things about our Creator.. I am listening to Him reveal how unique and marvelous he created me. We did a personality profile.. I'm pretty sure they can go on record as the most frequently filled out thing at ACU.. but this one was different. Or maybe it was just the context of the class and the professor.. in any case God has been ever so present in my every step.. I promise to explain more later.. but for now I'm off to work on our spiritual formation assignment.. I have to write a letter to myself from God! How exciting!!!

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