Who knew that you could realize so much through a little ol' Christmas party. God is good. He is everywhere, and He is teaching me lessons wherever I am in life - including the squadron Christmas party.
Over the weekend we went to Jery's squadron's Christmas party. It really was a nice night out and a good excuse to get dressed up! What I wasn't prepared for is the lesson God was going to teach me. Shortly after we found our seats they "began" the party with a slide show. It probably lasted 8 minutes or so, but it taught me a life long lesson.
The last Christmas party we were at I could name everyone in every picture they showed. We knew people. People knew us. We wandered the room and chatted all night with people we KNEW.
I saw two pictures of people I knew. One was my husband, and the other was our good friend who was sitting next to us. In a room full of 200+ individuals I knew three people. We are the newbees. For the first time in almost 7 months, I felt NEW. For the first time in almost 7 months, I realized what my husband felt in our first weeks here. He was he one who had to walk into a NEW building, on a NEW base, and meet all these NEW faces. I just went along my merry way learning how darn inconvenient this country is, and complaining about it. Complaining about how long it took to get Internet, how empty our house felt without our belongings, how I would probably never learn to drive on the wrong side of the road or how to count pounds. How silly I was. My husband never complained once. Never hinted at complaining about being the NEW guy, about leaving all the guys he KNEW and having to learn to work with a group of strangers, he never said a word about how difficult it must have been to leave a plane he could have worked on in his sleep and coming to a plane that is completely NEW.
As I sat and watched the slide show I wanted to cry. To ask for forgiveness for how selfish I was. And to trust the Lord that next year I'll know a few more faces.
Our God is an awesome God. He met me where I was and showed me an area in my life that I need to become more selfless and more supportive of my airman. I was speechless as I leaned to kiss his cheek and thank him for the man of God he is. I am so very blessed.
Here's a couple pictures for you to enjoy:
My handsome husband and my new hair do!!

These guys rock our socks off. Just don't know what his face is all about.

The AMU singing us some songs...

I pray you are all having a wonderful Christmas week!! Remember our Savior's birth.
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