and I did drive out of the parking lot on the wrong side of the road. perfect.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
big news.
As if life wasn't already grand enough.. we got ANOTHER email!!!!!!!!!
Our household goods will arrive in the UK on the 27 of JUNE!!!! That is in TWO DAYS!!!!!!!!! That is over two weeks early!!!
We are jumping for joy over here, and you should too!!!! Who would have thought.. our car AND our belongings in the same week!!!!!
We are seriously blessed people!!!
Enjoy your weekend.. we will be enjoying ours!!!
Our household goods will arrive in the UK on the 27 of JUNE!!!! That is in TWO DAYS!!!!!!!!! That is over two weeks early!!!
We are jumping for joy over here, and you should too!!!! Who would have thought.. our car AND our belongings in the same week!!!!!
We are seriously blessed people!!!
Enjoy your weekend.. we will be enjoying ours!!!
happy girl.
Yesterday Jery and I were delighted to see an email informing us that our vehicle has arrived in the United Kingdom. Oh my word, I might be the happiest girl around!!
I made a post about two months ago about the highlander that we purchased. When we made that purchased it made us a one car family, which in reality meant that Jery would be the primary driver... so I have only driven my beautiful new car twice.. BUT that will all change tomorrow!!
AND we have got our hands on a PERFECT mini for the Mister *not sure that I've ever mentioned Jery's love of mini coopers. I got my choice of car on the condition that he would get a mini when we got here.. little did we know we would find one so quickly!*
SO tomorrow at 1 pm I will be able to pick up my vehicle, and within the next week we should have a mini for Jery!!! We will oh so quickly become a two car family again, and this chicka couldn't be more excited!!
This weekend we are planning a fantastic trip with our friends! I promise to post on Cambridge and this trip next week!! We couldn't be more blessed at this time in our lives, this foreign country is becoming "home".
Yesterday Jery and I were delighted to see an email informing us that our vehicle has arrived in the United Kingdom. Oh my word, I might be the happiest girl around!!
I made a post about two months ago about the highlander that we purchased. When we made that purchased it made us a one car family, which in reality meant that Jery would be the primary driver... so I have only driven my beautiful new car twice.. BUT that will all change tomorrow!!
AND we have got our hands on a PERFECT mini for the Mister *not sure that I've ever mentioned Jery's love of mini coopers. I got my choice of car on the condition that he would get a mini when we got here.. little did we know we would find one so quickly!*
SO tomorrow at 1 pm I will be able to pick up my vehicle, and within the next week we should have a mini for Jery!!! We will oh so quickly become a two car family again, and this chicka couldn't be more excited!!
This weekend we are planning a fantastic trip with our friends! I promise to post on Cambridge and this trip next week!! We couldn't be more blessed at this time in our lives, this foreign country is becoming "home".
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Why do I stink at blogging over here? We are busy, but not that busy.
Here is a quick update and from now on I will do better!
The Saturday before last we all went down to Cambridge do to some sight seeing!! Our first sight seeing adventure! It was absolutely incredible.. I honestly couldn't believe that I was standing in front of such amazing buildings with such history! *I will give this trip it's own blog*
All last week Jery was attending a class to help him get familiar with this new plane. I completely enjoyed having him home for lunch every day and home by 3 in the afternoons! And I think he was able to gain a lot of helpful information out of it!
Last Friday we signed the lease to our house!!!! We have keys!!!! And they brought us our small shipment! We were allotted 850 pounds, our shipment was 848 pounds! We packed pots and pans, dishes, sheets and blankets, bathroom essentials, and all our clothes! I was really excited that they were bringing us some of our stuff, but it was somewhat disappointing. More like a tease.
Monday Jery went back to work while I stayed home and waited for them to deliver some loaner furniture - A bed, a couch, some dressers, and a table! Along with some permanent loaner things - a microwave, a washer, and a dryer! Again I was really excited, but left feeling helpless. I am incredibly anxious to make our house a home, and decorate it with all the amazing things we got for our wedding.. getting these small additions aren't giving me much to work with! We still have a very empty house - and have yet to actually move out of our friends house and into ours. BUT we do have a home and it is a nice little "bungalow" that will one day be a nice little home!! We are so blessed!!
Tuesday was Jery's birthday and his first 12 hour sift.. what a great combo right!? He left for work about 6:30 in the morning and was home just before 9 pm. *just because they say it is 12s, does not in any way, shape, or form, mean 12 hours* But I made him tater-tot casserole, mac and cheese, and a carrot cake *his exact request - random and unbalanced I am aware* When he got home we had dinner, followed by presents, then he blew out his candles and we all had some cake! It was a very quick birthday celebration, but a birthday celebration nonetheless. Shortly after it was time for bed, because today is another 12 hour shift for him.
Time has flown by and this Saturday we will have been here an entire month!! We have been blessed to have our friends here, and look forward to the next couple of months!
Here is a quick update and from now on I will do better!
The Saturday before last we all went down to Cambridge do to some sight seeing!! Our first sight seeing adventure! It was absolutely incredible.. I honestly couldn't believe that I was standing in front of such amazing buildings with such history! *I will give this trip it's own blog*
All last week Jery was attending a class to help him get familiar with this new plane. I completely enjoyed having him home for lunch every day and home by 3 in the afternoons! And I think he was able to gain a lot of helpful information out of it!
Last Friday we signed the lease to our house!!!! We have keys!!!! And they brought us our small shipment! We were allotted 850 pounds, our shipment was 848 pounds! We packed pots and pans, dishes, sheets and blankets, bathroom essentials, and all our clothes! I was really excited that they were bringing us some of our stuff, but it was somewhat disappointing. More like a tease.
Monday Jery went back to work while I stayed home and waited for them to deliver some loaner furniture - A bed, a couch, some dressers, and a table! Along with some permanent loaner things - a microwave, a washer, and a dryer! Again I was really excited, but left feeling helpless. I am incredibly anxious to make our house a home, and decorate it with all the amazing things we got for our wedding.. getting these small additions aren't giving me much to work with! We still have a very empty house - and have yet to actually move out of our friends house and into ours. BUT we do have a home and it is a nice little "bungalow" that will one day be a nice little home!! We are so blessed!!
Tuesday was Jery's birthday and his first 12 hour sift.. what a great combo right!? He left for work about 6:30 in the morning and was home just before 9 pm. *just because they say it is 12s, does not in any way, shape, or form, mean 12 hours* But I made him tater-tot casserole, mac and cheese, and a carrot cake *his exact request - random and unbalanced I am aware* When he got home we had dinner, followed by presents, then he blew out his candles and we all had some cake! It was a very quick birthday celebration, but a birthday celebration nonetheless. Shortly after it was time for bed, because today is another 12 hour shift for him.
Time has flown by and this Saturday we will have been here an entire month!! We have been blessed to have our friends here, and look forward to the next couple of months!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
its about time.
***I know that you have to highlight the words on my blog before you can read them, the computer isn't letting me change anything right now, so i'll attempt to fix it later.. sorry!***
I can not believe we have been here for two weeks and I am just now getting to posting pictures!!!! Unacceptable I know, but I promise I will get better! I have been waiting to have my computer in a place with internet access so I could plug my camera into it. After days of attempt, it's not going to happen. So I am on Jery's computer posting pictures!
This post is packed full of the pictures I have taken over the last two weeks... so ENJOY! We love and miss you all very much!
Here we are just after boarding our plane to London

When you fly international you get your own tv screen with movies, games, tv shows, and flight information!

I am not sure what happened at the airport, but we managed to get out of there with no pictures, so the rest is from our drive home and the two weeks we have spent here.
This is the main road we take to get to the house..

Here is the monument that denotes our neighborhood..

And this is the actual sign just a few feet from the monument..

Behind the sign is this very old church, complete with a cemetery out front. They do still have church services here, and we saw a wedding here this past weekend.

The houses in our neighborhood do not have house numbers, rather house names.

I thought my Aunt would appreciate this, given her love of the Beehive restaurant in Abilene.

Just down the road there is a peacock farm, it is at the end of our street but you can hear the peacocks all day long. This is a picture taken looking towards our house in front of the peacock farm.

Here we are in front of the peacock farm.

Just down the road from our neighborhood is this awesome looking house... It is actually one long structure, but several homes..

Just down the A11 is a city called Bury St Edmonds. It has an awesome market two days a week, and this newly designed mall. This picture was taken from the car park.

Jery and I were excited to be out and about enjoying Bury.

Here is the front side of this crazy looking building. It is comparable to a Macy's.

Much to my delight, there is a Body Shop!

It is no longer trash, it's litter - and it goes here.

Our friend's little girl enjoyed a ride on Thomas the Train.

Shortly after we arrived, Jery had a new best friend. She loves her Uncle Jery.
I can not believe we have been here for two weeks and I am just now getting to posting pictures!!!! Unacceptable I know, but I promise I will get better! I have been waiting to have my computer in a place with internet access so I could plug my camera into it. After days of attempt, it's not going to happen. So I am on Jery's computer posting pictures!
This post is packed full of the pictures I have taken over the last two weeks... so ENJOY! We love and miss you all very much!
Here we are just after boarding our plane to London
When you fly international you get your own tv screen with movies, games, tv shows, and flight information!
I am not sure what happened at the airport, but we managed to get out of there with no pictures, so the rest is from our drive home and the two weeks we have spent here.
This is the main road we take to get to the house..
Here is the monument that denotes our neighborhood..
And this is the actual sign just a few feet from the monument..
Behind the sign is this very old church, complete with a cemetery out front. They do still have church services here, and we saw a wedding here this past weekend.
The houses in our neighborhood do not have house numbers, rather house names.
I thought my Aunt would appreciate this, given her love of the Beehive restaurant in Abilene.
Just down the road there is a peacock farm, it is at the end of our street but you can hear the peacocks all day long. This is a picture taken looking towards our house in front of the peacock farm.
Here we are in front of the peacock farm.
Just down the road from our neighborhood is this awesome looking house... It is actually one long structure, but several homes..
Just down the A11 is a city called Bury St Edmonds. It has an awesome market two days a week, and this newly designed mall. This picture was taken from the car park.
Jery and I were excited to be out and about enjoying Bury.
Here is the front side of this crazy looking building. It is comparable to a Macy's.
Much to my delight, there is a Body Shop!
It is no longer trash, it's litter - and it goes here.
Our friend's little girl enjoyed a ride on Thomas the Train.
Shortly after we arrived, Jery had a new best friend. She loves her Uncle Jery.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
our new life.
Last night we were driving home from our friends house and I look up as we entered the village and thought to myself, wow this is home.
I quickly snapped out of it and we spent the rest of the trip home talking about how this place will become home, but it will never be our home. My home will forever be my mom's house in San Antonio. I can not wait to be back home, but for now I will work to make this foreign country home.
We have been incredibly blessed to have amazing weather since we got here! Everyone tells us not to get used to it.. but for now I'll take what I can get! Jery and I are overwhelmed by the beautiful country we now call home. The roads leading to the house are lined with tall trees that touch at the tops.. it's like driving through a tunnel of perfectly green trees! It is breathtaking.. and we get to travel it every day!!
Jery has become a pro at driving! I, on the other hand, am simply not a fan. The roads we take out to the house are more like one and a half lane.. very similar to the roads out by Jery's mom's house. And NOTHING like the city roads I am used to. But I am facing my fears and do drive on them! Driving on the wrong side of the road is not near as challenging as driving down these country roads and meeting a huge 18 wheeler with no where to go. We have learned that we live about 15 minutes from the biggest horse racing town in England, and therefore have lots of race horses around us *they even get their own street sign to warn us that they get the right of way on the roads*! It is great to drive around and see these amazing horses, not so amazing run into their MASSIVE trailers driving down the road. Which I might note that the trailer we ran into today, was a Mercedes and looked more like a tour bus than a horse trailer. But when you aren't running into huge trucks, the roads are beautiful!
We have not done a whole lot of traveling around just yet, but are hoping to go to Cambridge this weekend!
Jery is still working through his in-processing check lists, and is still not sure which squadron he will be working in. The paperwork is at headquarters, and we pray they will know something soon!
It is unbelievable that we are renting our first house in ENGLAND. We are very excited to see what these next few years hold! Thanks for being apart of our lives and supporting us in our journey.
I quickly snapped out of it and we spent the rest of the trip home talking about how this place will become home, but it will never be our home. My home will forever be my mom's house in San Antonio. I can not wait to be back home, but for now I will work to make this foreign country home.
We have been incredibly blessed to have amazing weather since we got here! Everyone tells us not to get used to it.. but for now I'll take what I can get! Jery and I are overwhelmed by the beautiful country we now call home. The roads leading to the house are lined with tall trees that touch at the tops.. it's like driving through a tunnel of perfectly green trees! It is breathtaking.. and we get to travel it every day!!
Jery has become a pro at driving! I, on the other hand, am simply not a fan. The roads we take out to the house are more like one and a half lane.. very similar to the roads out by Jery's mom's house. And NOTHING like the city roads I am used to. But I am facing my fears and do drive on them! Driving on the wrong side of the road is not near as challenging as driving down these country roads and meeting a huge 18 wheeler with no where to go. We have learned that we live about 15 minutes from the biggest horse racing town in England, and therefore have lots of race horses around us *they even get their own street sign to warn us that they get the right of way on the roads*! It is great to drive around and see these amazing horses, not so amazing run into their MASSIVE trailers driving down the road. Which I might note that the trailer we ran into today, was a Mercedes and looked more like a tour bus than a horse trailer. But when you aren't running into huge trucks, the roads are beautiful!
We have not done a whole lot of traveling around just yet, but are hoping to go to Cambridge this weekend!
Jery is still working through his in-processing check lists, and is still not sure which squadron he will be working in. The paperwork is at headquarters, and we pray they will know something soon!
It is unbelievable that we are renting our first house in ENGLAND. We are very excited to see what these next few years hold! Thanks for being apart of our lives and supporting us in our journey.
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