Thursday, May 21, 2009


Everything we own.. well minus what fits into four suitcases.. is packed. Boxed, placed in a crate, nailed shut, and hauled off... We are suppose to have it all by the 15th of July *my sweet cousin's birthday!* but we are both praying it shows up early!

There isn't much more to do than to relax and enjoy the time we have left. This morning when we were loading our packed belongings into crates Jery stopped dead in his tracks. He looked at me and said "holy crap, we only have two days left!!" It was a revelation moment for him. I'm sure mine will come soon.

Please pray for a safe, un-eventful trip over there. The only part of the trip that makes me nervous is finding our friends. We will arrive in a completely foreign airport with no way of contacting anyone. They have both assured me that they will be there waiting for us, so I'm gonna trust they know what they're talking about! *After all, they are the ones living over there.....*

Farewell friends.. It'll probably be a while before I'm back on here.

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