Saturday, May 23, 2009


We made it! Actually we have been here all day, but I'm just now getting around to posting.

We flew into London and landed at 7:15 London time *1:15 Texas time*! After standing on the plane while they fixed the connecting bridge thingy they finally let us off. Only to our disappointment we still had a while before making it to Tank and Mindy. Customs was INSANE! We stood in the most insane line *neither of us have any idea how long we were actually in line.. having no cell phones means having no clock.. we're gonna have to get used to watches*! Somewhat like waiting in line at a theme park, only the end product was rather different. They asked us some questions and stamped our passports! We quickly found all of our bags and headed out! Tank and Mindy were standing among all the other crazy people waiting for arrivals!

The flight was fairly uneventful.. they constantly were offering us food and drinks, so sleeping was next to impossible. I can't complain though.. we were well fed and hydrated when we got off the plane!! The most incredible part of the entire airplane experience was the diversity of the passengers. I was amazed.

We have spent the day hanging out at attempting to start the adjustment process.. Things are incredibly different. Far more than I expected. It's difficult to imagine our lives here at this point, but I am certain things will feel normal soon.

Please pray for us as we have several stressful days ahead.. and some hard decisions to make about the pups. I miss them more than I ever imagined.

We are thankful to be safe and somewhat sound.. hopefully we will sleep tonight and get on some kind of eating schedule tomorrow.

Blessings friends, we miss you terribly.

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