I don't even think I've blogged about my wedding!!! how sad. I am going to play catch up now.
The weekend before the wedding we went to the Samsung 500 at Texas Motor Speedway.
For those of you who don't know.. Jery is a HUGE NASCAR fan - and seeing as this will be our last time in Texas for a while it was a must! Jery Sr. joined us along with my brother and little Michael! We CAMPED at the track and had a great time! Other than the unexpected cold fronts that came in.. camping was a great experience! After the race Jery's dad went to explore Texas for a couple days before meeting back up with us in San Antonio.
That Monday Jery's best friend Ryan and his wife Nikie made it to Abilene! The spent the day doing Abilene things and eating at Abilene restaurants.. spent the night and the next afternoon we all drove to San Antonio!
The next several days are a blur. We did wedding things on Wednesday, and then had our "rehearsal" dinner that night *the venue that we had our wedding conveniently saw no need for a rehearsal.. unfortunately the day of we obviously could have used some rehearsing...* It was great to have everyone together and I really enjoyed the dinner! That night my bridesmaids and I stayed at the Inn.. seeing as the previous weekends camping had me stuck with some kind of sinus infection the bachlorette party turned in to a very low key event. We stayed up *way to late probably* talking, looking at magazines, and drinking champagne..
Our wedding day began with an amazing breakfast at the Inn, then hair and make-up appointments.. The ONLY mishap of the day came when we got back to the Inn after all these appointments.. Because I insisted that our Great Dane be our ring barrier our wedding had to be outside.

However, when we got to the Inn it was perfectly set up.. INSIDE. We reminded them about the dog and they were kind enough to fix it quickly! So the girls and I headed off to get changed and put all the finishing touches together! After what seemed like hours and hours of waiting, they finally let me out of the room! It was amazing.. I was so completely blessed by how well everything went. There were things that did not go as planned, but they didn't really upset me and that is what mattered. I attempted to soak up every minute of standing up there with my amazing husband, but I admit that I don't remember much of it. The entire day went WAY to quickly, and I am so thankful for the pictures we have to remember it by. Our day was perfect.

The Friday after we spent the day at Sea World.. It is so much fun to be a tourist in your own city! Living in Abilene for almost four years now, I have found a great appreciation for San Antonio. Sea World was wonderful! I think that everyone enjoyed it!! After dinner that evening we said goodbye to Ryan and Nikie as they headed back to Illinois. This whole good-bye thing is much more bittersweet than I anticipated... and I will admit I'm not so found of it all.
Saturday we were really tourist. We took them down to see the Alamo *which they somehow missed the first time they were in San Antonio for Jery's basic graduation*, the Riverwalk, and we went on one of the river boats! I love to learn about the history of the city and gasp the true meaning of the Alamo. That night we said good-bye to his family. They all left early early Sunday morning and were sweet enough to let us sleep in. We have visited Illinois several times, and had to say good-bye each time.. but this was especially difficult. Watching Jery say good-bye to his family was difficult. He loves them all so much, and never gets to spend the amount of time he would like with them. *i know, i know.. he signed the contract, but that doesn't make it any less difficult* As we leave on this new adventure of our lives it is difficult to leave behind the ones we love so much. We could not be more excited to be going, but the good-bye part is sad.
Easter Sunday was spent packing up my bedroom, and driving back to Abilene. I look forward to the days when we are settled and can spend Easter Sundays rejoicing in the Lord. Every Easter Sunday since I was a freshman has been spent in traveling, and I'm ready for that to be over!!!
All in all it was a amazing week. We were overwhelmed by the people who shared in our day, and so blessed to be apart of such great families.
This Thursday will be three weeks since our big day and I can't believe it. The following weekend we stayed in Abilene and enjoyed not traveling. Last weekend my brother and cousin Michael came to visit us. We had a great time hanging out and enjoying them! *who woulda thought I would WANT my brother to come visit me!.. crazy things happen when you grow up!!!* They are also coming to visit this weekend. The annual Dyess airshow is going on this weekend, and we look forward to sharing it with them!
In the meantime we are at somewhat of a standstill with leaving. We still have not gotten the official ok to move Jery's report date to June, nor have we gotten the official clearance from England regarding my medical clearance. We pray that within the next week we will have the answers we need to continue on in this process!
It's crazy around here, but God is good!
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