After 10 months of being in England we took a trip back to America! We loved every minute of being home! We went back to Texas and got to see most of my family! Family, friends, shopping, eating!
On our trip in we got stuck at Newark for 48 hours! When they told us our connecting flight was cancelled I was really upset - I had my mind made up that I was going to be in Texas on Friday night, and now I was stuck in New Jersey! But we decided to make the most of it and find a bus tour to take us around the city! It was amazing!

We took a boat tour out to Ellis Island and Liberty Island - both of which completely blew me away.
On the way out to Ellis Island!
Where so many immigrants got off a ship and began the long process of entering America.
If you didn't pass initial screening you walked through this door - down this hallway.. which meant more testing for those who so badly wanted to enter America.

My handsome husband assumed we'd be going to Texas and wouldn't need a heavy coat.. so he spend day in a sweatshirt.. On the boat towards Liberty Island.
And here's me in my warm winter coat as we approached Liberty Island!
what an incredible opportunity we had to walk this close to Lady Liberty!

Rockefeller Plaza! much smaller in real life than it appears on the Today Show!
The second day we were stuck we went out on our own and amazinly enough found our way around NYC! There were several parts of the city that we weren't able to get out at on the bus tour so we checked them out the next day!
I had been to NYC before on a mission trip, and the one place that I remember vividly was Times Square! There is no other place like it!
Jery found the world's largest hershey bar!!
Of course mine had to have sprinkles and Jery's was German Chocolate!
We have this strange fascination with going up to the top of buildings. It's not even something we question, regardless of expense, line, height.. we're going! So we had to go to the top of the Empire State Building!
Really neat sign about the flag on top!
After NYC we spent three weeks in Texas during which I did not take a single picture.. America is the best place on earth and we had a blast enjoying everything American!