Our first double decker!!

Stop lights in a roundabout confuse me..

Here's our bus..

Just a piece of home..

bicycles have the right away.. its insane..

cathedrals are one of my favorite things..

the detail is amazing..

we walked around the corner and found ourselves speechless.. King's College is breathtaking..
pictures don't do it a bit of justice..

the gardens here are beautiful.. and everyone takes complete advantage of them..
another neat building..

if I were British I would put mail in one of these.. we don't have anything on their mail boxes..

this means to form a line here.. a very common word..

The boys took us to a Banger Race one weekend.. It was apparently much like demolition durby.. which I have clearly missed out on.. but we enjoyed ourselves.

even miss A enjoyed herself

these two are great fun..

I hope everyone back home enjoyed their summer.. because we sure did. We love and miss you all!